Baby & Toddler Yoga
Baby Yoga
Baby yoga is yoga for your baby!
It’s a fun form of active play and engagement with our baby.
Baby yoga draws inspiration from “hatha" yoga for adults, incorporating gentle movements and stretches for our baby to help keep them healthy and happy.
Classes will include the following:
Stretches, moves or “mini asanas” (poses) for your baby, designed to help baby’s body gently stretch and move in a positive way, especially when often in car sat, buggy or crib.
Lots of songs and play to have fun together with our baby along with rolls, sings and dips to help with baby's sense of balance and body awareness.
Dry massage routines and strokes (helping to stimulate baby’s nervous system, immunity, etc.)
Breathing, relaxation and mindfulness exercises, for you.
Yoga-inspired movements for you as mama (designed to help restore and nourish your postnatal body).
After class, participants will
Feel energised, loved, connected with your baby; refreshed!
Feel nicely “in the moment and present” in mind, body and spirit
Enjoy a relaxed and happy baby!
Toddler Yoga
Have a toddler at home? What a whirlwind of discovery and development! Come learn toddler yoga with us! Toddler yoga can be a a fun way for your toddler to move, stretch, relax and play. It’s a great way for you as mama/papa to enjoy quality time with your little one as we move through different yoga moves, exercises and games. Yoga can help us navigate the world of toddlerhood and all the ups and downs it can bring: A modern yet ancient way to keep both you and your toddler healthy and happy!
Workshops will include the following:
Stretches, “mini asanas” (yoga poses) for your toddler to help them gently stretch and explore their body and ability to move.
Dry massage routines and strokes with story or songs. (Great for engaging with our toddler while giving them an immunity boost!)
Lots of songs and play with dancing and poses to help with toddler’s sense of balance.
Breathing & relaxation exercises for your toddler (YES, toddlers can learn to relax!)
Yoga-inspired ideas for playtime together at home: Keep your yoga practice together alive!
After class, participants will
Feel energised, loved, connected; refreshed!
Feel nicely “in the moment and present” together.
Feel uplifted: Toddlerhood can be tough on both toddler and parent. Some fun together can help shake up and out any frustrations and remind us to breathe through the tantrums; connect, accept the more challenging moments and enjoy the adventure that is toddlerhood.
Enjoy a relaxed and happy parent & toddler!
- Can't make the dates but would like a private course: Please arrange individually by contacting the teacher below -

Baby Yoga:
Parent accompanied by baby aged between 8 weeks to crawling stage
Toddler Yoga:
Parent accompanied by toddler from 18 months/walking stage to 3 yrs
Please bring along a blanket/fresh towel for optimal hygiene
Pre-booking is essential, >24 hrs preferred
Baby Yoga:
Thurs 10h00 - 11h15*
2020: 24 Sep, 1 Oct, 8 Oct, 29 Oct, 26 Nov, 3 Dec*
*on 2019: 17 Sep, 15 Oct, 12 Nov, 10 Dec we invite you to join us all for socialising fun at our Parents Circle event
Toddler Yoga Workshop:
TBA 22 Nov Sun
TOP TIP: Sign up for our other ParentPrep workshops here.

Baby Yoga:
169 route d'Arlon
L-8009, Strassen, Luxembourg
Parking on site, also very accessible by bus, please check your best route with the Mobiliteit-app.
Toddler Yoga:
Coming soon...

More about the Teacher:
Jessica Sicre, founder of Serenity Cocoon Baby Massage & Baby Yoga discovered baby massage while expecting her second baby girl. A serene moment on holiday led her to this new love - first with her own daughters and now also as a teacher.
Mama of two born in Luxembourg, baby massage & baby yoga has become a part of Jessica’s family life and her way to relax together, connect with and support her daughters in their health.
“Time stands still with baby massage; a magic way to connect with our baby when life around us is hectic and stressful. We can create a serene bubble in which to enjoy time together while supporting our baby’s health and development in a natural way. Baby yoga has similar benefits as massage and I was particularly drawn to it as a fun and playful way to compensate for my baby’s time spent in the car seat and/or buggy: A great practice to learn for the modern mama!"
Jessica is certified as Baby Massage Instructor & Baby Yoga Instructor through the UK training provider Blossom & Berry, accredited by The Royal College of Midwives, The Federation of Holistic Therapists and the International Institute for Complementary Therapies. She is a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapies (IICT) and founder of Serenity Cocoon Baby Massage & Baby Yoga.