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Giving birth is potentially a stressful event and if we could pay someone to help take some of that stress away, it is definitely worth the extra cost.

A dad speaks - Doula Documentary film

Meet the Doulas in Lux!

We interview the Birth Doulas in Luxembourg!

Coming Soon...

Meet the Doulas!

Meet the Doulas in our community. Are you a Birth Doula in Luxembourg?

We'd love to interview you!

We had a Doula!

Parents share their stories and beautiful memories with us.

Do you have a Birth Doula story to share? We'd love to interview you!

More Doula love!

More interviews and articles with other Doulas & Birth Professionals around the globe

Are you a birth professional passionate about Doula Care? We'd love to interview you!

I want and deserve the choice to have a Birth Doula

Testimonials from expecting parents in Luxembourg in their experience trying to hire a Birth Doula

What was your experience? We'd love to interview you!

Coming Soon...


Globally, Birth Doulas are becoming more common and sought after by pregnant women in more than 50 counties worldwide already.

DONA International


What is a Doula?

Find out what Doulas do and don't do as well as the benefits and evidence.

About our Campaign

All about our Awareness Campaign and how you can get involved #choice2haveadoula


Build your brand and show your support whilst also making a positive impact on parents, babies and our society

Hire a Doula

Download our Step-by-step "How to Hire a Doula" guide and find out how to become a Doula

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